Importing from China can be a challenging thing to tackle and because the Amazon seller market is growing, we have noticed that importing myths are on the rise. There are fears associated with myths and it's primarily because what we don't know, we become afraid of. So we are here to debunk those importing myths so that you can feel at ease taking your Private Label products to the next level!
If you're not using Amazon PPC, you might be missing out on sales and missing out on the opportunity that we have. If you are already doing Amazon PPC you might be missing miserably at it. We're gonna tell you why and how you can correct it.
Do you have questions about Inserts, Warranties, Amazon TOS, Reporting listing violations or related video shorts? We cover these topics and more in this episode of The Amazon Seller Podcast - taken from a Facebook live session we did on the Facebook Page.
Amazon has rolled out some new benefits within Seller Central, that previously were only available in AMS. (Click here to see our free guide on how to get access to AMS!) 1) The Amazon Storefront, and 2) Headline Ads within campaign manager.
The latest buzz over the past few weeks, in the Amazon Seller Facebook community, has centered around How to Protect your Amazon Inventory. New sellers are particularly at risk for losing their inventory because, like it or not, some established sellers or marketers, take advantage of new sellers.
In this podcast episode, we talk about how to protect your Amazon inventory, through the latest buzz in the Amazon Seller Facebook community...people's inventory getting cleared! To avoid this painful experience, we share tips on ways to list promo codes correctly, as well as what we feel are the responsibilities that established sellers should have toward new sellers.